Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Rate your cooking level: which actress are you?

I was looking around for a chart to determine really what level of a cook I am. I kept getting weirdly directed to gaming sites (is there cooking on World of Warcraft?) I had to create my own, and I blinked three times at who who I turned out to be. Play this little game with me and find out what level of cook you are using the analogy of celebrity actresses as "chefs". 

Determine your cooking level: which actress are you?

actress/ chef skill level  daily dish
winona ryder it just doesn’t work she can order out i guess
cameron diaz looks good, no substance oatmeal, microwave burrito
amy adams you may fool some poached eggs, entree salads, chili
kate winslet great, only getting better with age prime rib, roasted vegetables, fish tacos
maggie smith gorgeous, with just the right amount of spice beef wellington, baked alaska, the perfect chocolate croissant

Background: I threw together a quickie dinner yesterday. Tried to make chicken enchiladas mole using about 5 different recipes for "QUICK MOLE!" online. It came out way way too spicy- probably because my cutie nephew facetimed us right in the middle of my going back and forth between Paula Deen and Allrecipes. So I had to wing it and cool down my mess afterwards- using a half of a quart of cream.  The mole morphed into chicken over rice with an undisclosed reddish-brown sauce (courtesy of the back beans I blended up in there to bring down the spice level). 

I then had a crisis of blogger identity and wondered why I was doing a food blog. But let's be straight. It's not a food blog. It's a life blog. There will be days when I post nothing about food in the remotest sense of the word. Or maybe I will. But I decided to be honest and let you know that I'm not that great of a cook. I may have some tricks up my fingerless mittens and voila,  or I may throw on some cereal for dinner. But for the most part, while I may look slightly cute doing it, I'm still just making chili. I am actually... Amy Adams.


  1. i love this!!!!! i'm amy adams too!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. too funny! I would have to say that I fall into the Amy Adams category as well, how fun :)

  3. I feel like I am a Maggie Smith because of the "gorgeous" comment but probably more like a Kate Winslet/Amy Adams realistically...:)
